Believe It Or Not

            Believe It Or Not

I took a trip on a sailing ship.

We sailed into a mysterious fog.

The captain didn’t  give any lip.

He wrote it all in his captain’s log.


When we emerged all had changed.

We didn’t know where we were.

Our compass readings had rearranged.

How in the world had this occurred?


Then we saw it. We didn’t believe it.

Sea monsters in the water below.

A rock ahead with sirens on it.

Mermaids swimming around real slow.


An island just a half league ahead.

A nice harbor to dock the ship.

“This place is spooky” was said.

“We’ll go ashore & explore it.”


Once on land all seemed quiet.

Only the splashing of the waves.

Then, what sounded like a riot,

coming from the jungle maze.


We went to see what was going on.

In a clearing stood a Tyrannosaurs Rex.

“What is this we’ve come upon?”

“What? Dinosaurs? What the heck?”


He was eating on a fresh kill.

Birds were squawking all around.

He didn’t notice us. We stood still.

Then, something else we found.


A giant egg hidden in the weeds.

Could it be a dinosaur egg?

Then we saw who the mother must be.

A  Pterodactyl with extended legs


swooped down & grabbed the egg, you see.

We dove for cover real fast.

It flew away up over the trees.

We cautiously crawled out of the grass.


We saw unicorns and fairies too.

We expected to see Bigfoot anytime.

Instead, we saw King Kong, then we knew.

All weird tales or nursery rhymes


existed here. It blew our minds.

This was like a Twilight Zone.

We had to get out of here in time.

The thought of being trapped made us groan.


We got back to the ship as fast as we could.

We headed back toward the fog..

None of us really understood.

But, the captain wrote it all in his log.


Once through the fog again

we were back on our course.

None of us knew where to begin.

We would keep quiet with no remorse.


To talk of it would label you a nut.

No one would want to have such glory.

But, we each knew the truth deep in our gut.

Believe it or not; this little horror story.—–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)












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