The World Of The Duck
Have you ever felt like
you ran out of luck?
Enter now the
world of the duck.
Everything you do
Is not working for you.
You feel knocked around
like a hockey puck.
Enter now, the
world of the duck.
You pray to God;
Lord, give me a job.
Your busted, your broke.
You don’t have a buck.
Enter now,
the world of the duck.
Just take to the skies.
Get out of the rut.
Similar to the
world of the duck.
Be foot loose and fancy free.
Swim all around, splashing with glee.
Keep your feet
away from the muck.
Enter now, the
world of the duck.——————-R. W. Johnson——(1994)
In A Perfect World
Alcohol would not be addictive.
Chasing women would not be wicked.
Popping drugs would cause no ills.
What is left to produce the thrills?
Things would soon become a drag.
Using alcohol and drugs would lag.
No, that’s not a perfect place.
Not for this here human race.
What we need is a higher power.
To see the beauty in a flower.
To love nature on a sunny day.
To learn to love and how to play.
We need God to show us how.
Then a perfect world can be ours now.——R. W. Johnson—–(2005)