Her back was up against a wall.
But, she stood proud and tall.
It was always on her mind.
That it was in her bloodline.
She grew up in poverty & tough.
She didn’t take anyone’s guff.
She did whatever came to mind.
Till she heard about the bloodline.
Hers went back many years.
Further back than her peers.
She came from a line of royalty.
A warrior line of royalty.
She knew she should be a queen.
She stood proud in everything.
One day her star would shine.
It was in her bloodline.
Then one day she met a guy.
He had that spark in his eye.
His eye was only for her.
She was the one, he was sure.
He treated her like a queen.
His actions was just her thing.
She thought that he was fine.
Then she thought of the bloodline.
She was unsure what to do.
Until he said “I love you”.
He said he came from a long line.
He said it was his bloodline.
She told him of her bloodline.
Everything was going fine.
Before long, they came to find.
They would continue their bloodline.———–R.W. Johnson—(2011)