Saved By The Rain
I came home & there waiting for me
was a note sitting there for me to see.
it said you were sorry for all that you did.
You must leave to keep your face hid.
In hurting me you have hurt yourself.
All for the love of someone else.
Now, he to, has gone from you.
You say there is nothing else you can do.
If it wasn’t for the rain,
it would be more than I could bear.
I’ll never see you again.
The rain is running down my hair.
It is washing away the pain.
Lightning flashes—-Are you standing there?
But, I know it’s all in vain.
My life’s not going anywhere.
The days and weeks drag by. They will not flee.
There must be a way to set you free.
But, you’re still there within my heart.
It seems nothing can tear us apart.
I wonder if you are suffering too?
There must be something I can do.
But, nothing comes to ease the pain.
Except for long walks in the rain.
If it wasn’t for the rain,
it would be more than I can bear.
I’ll never see you again.
The rain is running down my hair.
It is washing away the pain.
Lightning flashes—-Are you standing there?
But, I know it’s all in vain.
My life’s not going anywhere.
The weeks drag on into months.
The rain is gone & so am I , I grunt.
Not a word , call, or sign from you.
I am at a total loss as to what to do.
I grab my hat and head out for a walk.
I just need someone so I can talk
Then, suddenly,—- I bump into you.
Loving arms around me & around you.
————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2013)