The Way Of Water

                 The Way Of Water

We saw it in the desert & couldn’t believe it.

A stone pillar, at least 40 feet tall,—- unlit.

It wasn’t there a few days ago, I’m sure.

We went on, driving like a blur.

Soon, we came upon a duplicate one.

White stone, shining in the sun.

Shades of 2001 A Space Odyssey has begun.

We were worried. It didn’t sound fun.

We kept driving and found 5 more.

Set like a gigantic circle. There should be more.

Each had a small box setting on its base.

Some bizarre writing on each one’s face.

Then, we saw it. Kneeling in the sand.

Mixing up something, adding a liquid from his hand.

Soon, a stone pillar, shot up into the air.

Another duplicate. We could only stare.

We yelled “Hey, what are you doing there?”

A ‘creature’ looking like a nightmare dream.

Roughly human shape, otherwise , obscene.

Maybe 6 foot + tall and a little rank.

Looked like he came from a Geneticists’ tank.

He had a translator around his neck.

He spoke jumble, then it translated . What the heck?

He said he was building a large portal.

All 20 pillars will make a bore hole.

“From our world to yours. Many will transfer worlds.”

“Why come here? What’s wrong with your world?”

“It is polluted. Can’t even see the stars.”

“We are an industrial people. That’s who we are.”

“This is our world. What about us?”

“You will be eliminated if you cause a fuss.”

Then he left. Leaving an empty box behind.

A vehicle like the Star Wars racers did unwind.

He was gone across the desert in a flash.

We looked at each other. Our earth will be trash.

We hauled ass back to town.

Told what we saw to anyone around.

Many went out to see if it was true.

Came back talking like me and you.

“How do we stop this ‘reptilian’ accident?”

“We tried to shoot him. No such incident.”

“He seemed to really not want much water.”

“He used less than a skilled potter.”

“He must come from a world where water is limited.”

“No wonder he is building the gate here.” he said.

“Water just may be his downfall I think.”

“We could test it by offering a drink.”

“He won’t let us near now, after we shot.”

“I have an idea that will fix his plot.”

“When he is done, he will power up the portal.”

“That will be his end.” He said with a chortle.

He quickly told the others what he had in mind.

They all quickly got off their behinds.

They had much to do to prepare for the end.

They were ready when the ‘creature’ was ready to begin.

The ‘creature’ pulled out some type of machine.

He started working on it. The pillars gleamed.

They started glowing brightly, lighting up the land.

Just before he started, the town folk blew the dam.

Tons of water rushed out across the desert.

The ‘creature’ unaware, was not fettered.

The pillars connected with streams of light.

With a ‘woosh’ the portal opened in their sight.

Just as the first ‘creature’ started through,

A giant wall of water hit before they know.

There was a tremendous implosion

on the other side. The portal closed then.

The ‘creature’ screamed as water went over him.

He disintegrated, along with his machine & vehicle.

All the pillars followed suit. Nothing else critical.

The stories of that event are urban legend now.

The dam was rebuilt. They knew how.

Out here in the desert, water is precious.

More so now after the ‘creature’ left us.

—————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2020)

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