Hidden Deep Within

            Hidden Deep Within

I often wondered if it would be a sin.

To try to understand this feeling within.

It is buried deep in the subconscious

Thinking of it is just plain nonsense.

How do I even know it exists?

Sometimes I have unreasonable fits.

Such behavior makes no sense at all.

It must have came from a fall.

Sometime, way back when.

I must have committed an awful sin.

Then buried it deep within my mind.

Hoping to forget it till the end of time.

But, my behavior shows something is wrong.

I cannot keep it hidden for so long.

I must go deep within my mind.

I must discover what thing I find.

Then try to rid myself of it.

So I will no longer have a fit.

Deep, deep meditation should do the trick.

Maybe I will finally get to the bottom of it.

I ran into monsters from the Id.

They almost made me flip my lid.

With faith & great effort I defeated them.
Now, to look even deeper within.

I think I found it in the center of my mind.

The Penile gland. I peeled off the rind.

There hidden was the worthless me.

It was too horrible for me to see.

I came around shaking all over.

I needed more than a 4 leaf clover.

I prayed that God would change what I saw.

Soon, I felt I was rid of it all.

Praise the Lord for a God who cares.

Even in our deepest lair.

—————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2020)

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