The End Of Evil? (Part six)
The Warlock & Wizard had come together.
They had a plan that would upset her.
They would physically go to her place.
They would sneak in. A chance to take.
Once inside, they planned to wreck havoc.
“She’s no nun, she’s not wearing a habit.”
“We will abolish any sign of voodoo.”
“Whatever it takes,—– we will do.”
They had just found the voodoo alter.
When something surrounded them, like a halter.
They couldn’t move. They were trapped.
“I expected you two earlier.” She clapped.
“Mother!!” they yelled, as they saw her there.
“Yes, my sons, It is your mother, I swear.”
“I haven’t seen either of you in years.”
“You can put away all your fears.”
“I have become high priestess of the Druids.”
“Some call me queen, though I shew it.”
“Our goal is to balance mother nature.”
“Give Mother Earth much pleasure.”
“When Mother Earth is happy we all thrive.”
“When Mother Earth is angry, we all die.”
“You two have been disrupting things with your spells.”
“Keep it up and we will all end up in hell.”
“One using black magic the other using white.”
“I told you years ago, they are balanced right.”
“One is no stronger than the other.”
“Yet, you two idiots keep trying to one up each other.”
“I am going to teach you how to use your magic.”
“Use it for a purpose that won’t end up tragic.”
“Your magic is a small part of what it takes.”
“Much more is needed for Mother Earth’s sake.”
So, they began their training full time.
The minions & acolytes joined in, in time.
They learned all there was to know.
They learned that Mother Earth was the only show.
After years, they all became as one.
Mother Earth thrived. It was fun.
So, was this the end of evil per say?
Obviously not. Just look around today.
But, things were fine back in their day.
And stayed that way for many a day.
———————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2020)