The End Of Evil? (Part five)
Near where the Wizard and Warlock lived.
There was a Witch about to flip her lid.
“Those two numbskulls are at it again.”
“I have had it with their shenanigans.”
She was talking to her coven of witches.
She had some Voodoo dolls in stitches.
Dressed as the Warlock, and Wizard.
“I’ll shove this pin right in their gizzards.”
When she did they both doubled over in pain.
It hurt so bad they were almost insane.
Both thought the other was behind it.
Yet, nothing they tried indicated that was it.
Mystified, they both rolled on the floor.
Then they finally realized the horror.
A voice came to each from nowhere.
“Knock off your little games or, I’ll swear!!”
“I’ll rip off your balls and feed them to the hogs.”
“Don’t tempt me, or you’ll both lose your tiny logs.”
After that, the pain subsided for both of them.
It was because the witch had pulled out the pins.
Both of them realized it was the witch.
Both said: “Damn, is she a bitch!!”
Things were quiet for several months.
Finally, the Warlock had a hunch.
He contacted the Wizard and said this.
“Are we going to let ‘her’ get away with this?”
“We are great magicians, she is a bitch.”
“We need to get even for her doing this.”
The Wizard said he couldn’t agree more.
But, that he didn’t know how she did such horror.
“I don’t either, but I think I can find out.”
He sent a minion undercover to try & find out.
Within the week the minion had returned.
He was ready to tell all he had learned.
“She was using Voodoo on the both of you.”
“She had dolls made up to look like each of you.”
“When she stuck a pin in each of you felt pain.”
“To do so again, she wouldn’t refrain.”
Both Warlock & Wizard were shocked.
“Voodoo is ‘junk’ magic” they said, half cocked.
“This is treasonous!! She has to be stopped.”
The Warlord overturned his bagels and locks.
They started cooperating to devise a way.
What is coming,—– I’d hate to say.
—————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2020)