The Unexplained
I felt that I was getting sick.
I really felt that I was losing it.
Then, I looked up at the clock.
What the hell?? I was in shock.
Somehow I had gained 4 hours.
I wasn’t asleep, or in the shower.
How had that time slipped away?
Things are getting weirder day by day.
I thought back to earlier that day.
I was at the computer. What can I say?
I wasn’t on there for that long.
What in the world had gone wrong?
I felt sluggish, somewhat ill.
I hadn’t taken any pills.
I hadn’t smoked or drank anything.
Did something happen to me unseen?
UFO abductions have missing time.
Something like this can flip your mind.
This had never happened before.
I must stop it from happening anymore.
I set up a secret video recorder.
I turned it on & set things in order.
Each day, while at the computer,
I would be recorded. Can’t lose here.
After a month, things got dull.
Every recording was just a null.
Then, one day it happened again.
Shadow people appeared then.
They surrounded me & I was frozen.
They laid hands on my head. To hold him?
Either they put in or took out something.
I had lost 4 hours again. That’s something.
I watched the recording & was shocked.
I had no memory of being in that spot.
I started to panic. I had no answers.
This is almost worse than cancer.
Another year of recordings produced nothing.
It never happened again. It was disgusting.
What the hell do I do now?
Sleep on it, I was told with a scowl.
Poor advice on how to handle the unknown.
It’d be different if they were the one shown.
——————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2020)