Man, the thought really blew my mind.
When I heard about the monster at the end of time.
Then I realized I didn’t have to worry.
It was a millennia from now, no way to hurry.
What the heck is this monster anyway?
Something really scary to keep you away?
But, you can’t stay away, cause you can’t stop time.
Time passing by is no friend of mine.
You see, we all get old and eventually die.
Is this the monster we will meet by and by?
No, this was explained as at the very end of time.
How does time end? What theory falls in line?
Time ceases when there is no one or thing to track it?
Or, maybe we traverse it by means of our future wit.?
Maybe it is a continuous loop.
Eventually you’re back where you started. Is that the scoop?
Then, how can there be a monster then?
For that to happen doesn’t time have to end?
For a monster to exist when there is no time
would mean it is omnipresent all the time.
So, the monster is actually here now.
Wait a minute, this is giving me a cow.
Think about it folks. Come up with an answer.
I think we all deserve another chance here.
———————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)