Pacos Pete
Pacos Pete was ornery old sot.
Lived in a shack & slept on a cot.
This old goat was a loner, it seems.
Most people he met was in his dreams.
Some say a hermit is what he was.
It was harsh, though he never had a love.
The desert was his home.
He liked living alone.
A small spring in the back of his place
was enough for Pete to wash his face.
It was enough for other little things.
A bath was rare, usually in the spring.
Pete didn’t like other people around.
Only once a month he went into town.
A feisty coot, even though he was old.
He would pay for his supplies in gold.
No one ever bothered old Pete.
Town folk made sure he got something to eat.
One day , some ’no gooders’ came to town.
They were out just roaming around.
Here came Pete on his way into town.
The bad boys looked at Pete with a frown.
Pete went into the general store.
Loaded up his truck & went back for more.
How can he afford that the baddies thought?
Look at how much stuff he has bought.
Pete went into the café for a bite.
Just as soon as he was out of sight
the baddies went into the general store.
They asked the clerk how the old guy scored.
“What?” said the clerk. “Did he have cash?”
“No, he pays in gold.” said the clerk with a laugh.
The bad boys were shocked to hear this.
One of them said “Well, ain’t that a bitch.”
They planned to follow Pete when he left.
This would be their biggest theft.
Pete came out & drove away in his truck.
The bad boys followed crossing their fingers for luck.
Pete headed straight into the desert.
It was very hot that day in the desert.
Pete kept driving. He had a long way to go.
The bad boys car was starting to slow.
Pete made it home a little after dark.
Next morning he was awakened by a lark.
He went outside & saw buzzards circling.
Pete knew that could only mean one thing.
He got in his truck to check it out.
It was drier than usual due to the drought.
He found the bad boys car dead in the road.
The ‘owners were nowhere around, it’s told.
Pete knew the buzzards meant they didn’t make it.
Just as well he thought. most people can’t take it.
Pete had no knowledge what almost happened to him.
But, Pete didn’t worry. It wasn’t in him.
So goes the tale of Pacos Pete.
If you pass his way bring him a treat.
Pete will be polite, but he won’t be a friend.
Pete will live alone till the very end.
—————————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2014)