The Adventures Of Roose, The Dog

      The Adventures Of Roose, The Dog

There once was a little white dog named Roose.

That cute name rhymes perfectly with Goose.

Roose was a miniature poodle.

To know more, look it up on Google.

Roose was very smart and did all tricks.

She went to obedience school, just for kicks.

Roose loved her owners, Pita and Pito.

She would be with them wherever they would go.

One day Pito was getting food for her.

He filled her bowl and called to her.

“Roose, time to eat.”

Then, something happened that was really neat.

Roose’s bowl slid across the floor to her.

Roose began to eat without ruffled fur.

“What the hell was that?” Pito yelled.

Roose looked up, as her little chest swelled.

“Roose, did you do that?”

Roose nodded her head, as a matter of fact.

“Pita, get in here quick!!” Pito yelled.

“What’s up?” Pita yelled.

“You have got to see what Roose can do.”

“Oh, did she learn something new?”

“I’ll say” Pito said “Something new all right.”

“In fact, it gave me a bit of a fright.”

“She made her dog bowl slide over to her.”

“She stayed where she was. It slid to her.”

“What!! That is impossible Pito.”

“See for yourself. Then you will know.”

Pito put the dog bowl back where it was.

“Eat your food Roose” He said with love.

The bowl slid over to Roose, just like before.

Pita nearly fell right through the floor.

They had never seen such a thing.

What else could this amazing dog bring?

Many little things happened after that.

Pito and Pita just watched, as they sat.

When Pito was on the computer,

Roose watched him like an intruder.

Pito asked Roose ”What is this power of yours?”

“Too bad you can’t teach me, of course.”

Roose jumped to the computer from the floor.

Then typed with her paws a word.

‘Magic’. —-If a pin dropped, you would have heard.

“You can type and spell?” asked Pito.

‘Yes, I watched you. Now I know.’

Thus began a big discussion between the two.

Using the computer screen to get through.

Roose said magic is all around everywhere.

Just like everywhere there is air.

Dogs can see it, cats can too.

Mostly they ignore it. You would too.

I am smarter than the average dog.

I decided to use magic. I cleared the fog.

Yes, I can teach you how, but first.

Concentrate on my thoughts. It’s the worst.

Feel it. It is like a memory that is missing.

You can almost get it with a little twisting.

Pito tried as hard as he could.

It was like trying to hear through wood.

Soon, it was Roose’s voice that he heard.

It was amazing. He understood every word.

Roose could hear his thoughts too.

Next, they taught Pita to follow the rule.

Roose could talk to both of them.

Roose could also hear both of them.

Now Roose taught them how to use magic.

They were praying it wouldn’t be tragic.

After months of practice, they were proficient.

Magic came natural; it was their mission.

To Pito, one thought came in line.

Was it the second Golden Age of Magic’s  time?

—————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

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