The Golden Age Of Magic (Chapter 8)
Kronos became the leader of the Warlocks.
He was in mourning, his nerves like rocks.
In time, he started planning his revenge.
He worked alone. He had few friends.
He had been working on a special spell.
It would make his lifeline swell.
He could live indefinitely without ageing.
The magical spell was sustaining.
He perfected it before he did anything else.
He alone would enjoy the results.
Then, he went in search of the Wizards den.
Their keep was never revealed to him.
A Wizard had not been seen since his father’s death.
They had gone into deep hiding was his bet.
He would wait till they decided to show.
During this time, his power grew 10 fold.
800+ earthly years would pass by.
No Wizard ever appeared to die.
Kronos became the most powerful Warlock on earth.
He ruled with an iron hand, for what it was worth.
He was vicious, cruel, and mean.
Yet, he had a soft spot, rarely seen.
Anathea knew she was going to die.
She wouldn’t fight Kronos. She wouldn’t lie.
Aladon’s wound wouldn’t heal in her side.
She told all Wizard’s it was time to hide.
Before Kronos decided to take revenge,
They would, she hoped, get help from friends.
Anathea tried to make contact with the Watchers.
She used the lance, but she wasn’t cock sure.
The Watcher’s did respond in her mind.
They would provide a new home, in time.
A series of ‘portals’ to other planets.
7, to be exact, to reach their final planet.
A place called Vantera, perfect for them.
But, to pass through the 7 planets was grim.
Horrible beasts, etc, waiting on each.
They would rip you apart with their teeth.
The Watchers would take Anathea through.
A trail for who would follow you.
Many, many years in the future.
A new ‘deceiver’ will be true, dear.
She will inherit the lance and deceiver power.
But, that is another time, another hour.
Once on Vantera, you can zap back to the keep.
All wizards can then zap there, following your heat.
Your magical trail will show the way.
Which can be obliterated later that day.
Warlocks cannot follow, unless they go through the ‘gates.’
They will never make it. They don’t have what it takes.
Hundreds of gates lead to many places.
It’s almost impossible to follow the traces.
Anathea died shortly after zapping back to the keep.
Her crypt was put in the lowest level of the keep.
The keep was protected by strong magic.
No Wizard, by any means, including magic,
returned to earth until 800+ years later.
The ‘new deceiver’ would then be the invader.
All is related in other stories.
This was The Golden Age Of Magic in all its glory.
———————————————R.W. Johnson——(2019)