The Golden Age Of Magic (Chapter 5)

Things had been really quiet for awhile.

Anathea knew this wasn’t Aladon’s style.

She called all the Wizards together.

“Something is up. Keep your shields up to the letter.”

“It is too quiet on the Warlock front.”

“I have a feeling we will feel the brunt.”

Aladon was working on his plan.

Soon, he would show them who was the man.

He decided to start enslaving the populace.

Wizards will try to get them out of this.

When they are out in the open,

he will put the Replicator in motion.

That should shake those Wizards up.

After the Replicator rips off a few butts.

Aladon gave an evil laugh and got started.

Several Warlocks left widows broken hearted.

Their mates were taken and made slaves.

They worked in the gardens and other ways.

Many worked on the Warlock’s farms.

Magic kept them in line. There were no charms.

Before long, Wizards got the word.

This was the worst that they had heard.

No wonder it had been quiet for awhile.

“We will correct this.” Anathea said with a smile.

Little did she know what was lying in wait.

Aladon was happy to see them take the bait.

The Wizards appeared in mass.

Something raced toward them,—- fast.

The Replicator was among them, ripping and tearing.

Shields were useless. They were screaming and swearing.

Those who could zapped away in haste.

They were zapping all over the place.

The Replicator couldn’t follow them all.

But, it took many for a major fall.

Back at their keep, the Wizards were in shock.

They shut every door and set every lock.

“What the hell was that monster from hell?”

“Some magical best. That much I could tell.”

“What the hell can we do to defeat it?”

“Stay calm now. Don’t have a fit.”

“First, we must learn more about it.”

“What it eats to the color of its shit.”

Several more Wizards lost their lives

In their pursuit to see through its disguise.

They found that it is called a Replicator.

It eats its prey,—- like an alligator.

Its prey seemed to be them.

No type of magic seemed to help them win.

Then, they learned if injured or killed

It can replicate itself at will.

“There is no way to beat something that can do that!!”

“Maybe there is, as a matter of fact.”

“What is it you have in mind Anathea?” they said.

“Remember that freezing spell we used?” she said.

“Yes, but how will that do any good.”

“The Warlock shields protected them, like it should.”

“I haven’t seen the Replicator use a shield.”

“That is why it is something we can wield.”

“When I was young, I took a trip way up north. A frozen field.”

“A frozen land where it was so cold, nothing would yield.”

“I am sure I can zap there since I have been there before.”

“I will zap the Replicator there and it will be no more.”

Cheers went up all around. Anathea was the best.

She was their leader. They put their worries to rest.

Her plan sounded good in theory.

But yet, she did have some time to worry.

They would all cast a freezing spell on the beast.

They had to be very fast on their feet.

All went well and Anathea zapped it away.

She didn’t return for over a day.

The Wizards were frantic with worry.

She returned and said they shouldn’t worry.

She was making sure the beast remained frozen.

It didn’t move all day. It looked like it was a go then.

Aladon was so mad his face was black.

He had no idea why the Replicator was not back.

He was sure Anathea had something to do with it.

If it was the last thing, he would get that bitch.

Things are really heating up now.

What will be their next sacred cow?

Keep reading as the story goes on.

There is more to come, but, now it’s dawn.——R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

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