The Golden Age Of Magic (Chapter 2)

The Golden Age Of Magic (Chapter 2)

Aladon spent most of his time in his secret library.
It was behind his throne in castle Vikary.
The name he specifically chose for his castle.
He was always working on new magic, with no hassle.
He tried new spells and potions.
He wasn’t just going through the motions.
Working alone is when he got the most done.
One Warlock stood above the rest. He was the one.
One day, he was looking at a new scroll.
It seemed different than others he had taken in toll.
After some time, he realized it was a map.
It was marked with power grids. What was that?
After much more research, he figured it out.
This knowledge would help, without a doubt.
He could zap somewhere without traveling there first.
He would be within a mile of his goal, at the worst.
The map showed the location of the Tangura capitol.
He decided he would zap there at his will.
He made the jump and found only ruins.
But, he also felt a feeling that would be his ruin.
The magic was off. It should be a constant.
He was barely able to zap away, before he found death.
The rumors were true.
Tangura was taboo.
He doubted anything remained there to find.
He might try again some other time.
But, for now, his new knowledge will help
In future battles with the Wizards, he felt.
There were the legends about the Watchers.
Were they true? He doubted it. Botchers
are more like it. They ‘botched’ their civilization.
They probably ended in self cremation.
Enough time wasted on that.
He had to plan his next attack.
In the meantime, the Wizards weren’t idol.
They were planning a big revival.
Bringing all Wizards from everywhere together.
To fight the evil Warlocks by controlling weather.
They planned on bringing tremendous forces.
Mother nature at her best, with their resources.
Lightening, hail, blizzards, floods, freezes.
All directed at Warlocks, as quick as sneezes.
Aladon had learned to strengthen their shields.
It would be needed when all is revealed.
A large field was set for a meeting place.
Aladon planned to slaughter them in every case.
His first act of violence brought instant results.
Mother nature took revenge with snowball belts.
Aladon’s shield snapped into place.
It was instantly covered with ice, incased.
Aladon cussed and cast Warlock fire, in haste.
It thawed the ice. Kept them warm in place.
They were protected under the shield.
All weather forces could not make it yield.
Aladon zapped all back to the castle.
He was pissed. No one dared to hassle.
He cussed and paced and threw stuff around.
He would stomp those Wizards into the ground.
Try as he could, he could not locate their home base.
His castle was shielded, just in case.
It was protected and impossible to see.
That was the way he wanted it to be.
He started making serious plans.
He would recruit all the potential Warlocks in the land.
He would train them around the clock
if they showed any potential, latent, or not.
Within a year, he had a tremendous army of Warlocks.
If they suspected Wizards, all were wiped out on the spot.
They were raising hell with all the common people.
Basically, making them slaves and killing the feeble.
None of this set well with the Wizards way of life.
They trained for war, both man and wife.
What was to come would not be pretty.
But, don’t miss it. It would be a pity.

—————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

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