The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume III Chapter Eight

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume III Chapter Eight

‘The Shadow’ told them to gather around.
“Hold hands. You will land on ground.”
The next instant they disappeared.
Immediately, they were in the castle. How weird.
They surprised ‘Fake’ Kronos at its desk.
It was now or never, what the heck.
A net appeared and flew over ‘Fake’ Kronos.
It jumped, turned & tried to zap away. Almost.
The net kept it trapped.
Until the net became a doormat.
The five had never seen such a thing.
It zapped away, like a dove on wing.
They left by way of the in between.
They couldn’t believe what they had seen.
Meanwhile ‘Fake’ Kronos was at the local village.
This time it wasn’t there to try & pillage.
It went into the Inn & demanded ale.
The amount it drank could kill someone frail.
‘They somehow slipped up on me.’ It thought.
‘They almost held me to that spot.’
‘Something went wrong with my tracking spell.’
‘Time for me to return to the ‘Knowledge Well.’
The ‘Knowledge Well’ being a place It was shown
by a subordinate whom It had known.
A place hidden deep in Arabia.
Aladdin had discovered it in Arabia.
With the help of a magic genie.
The foolish twit had set it free.
That was many eons ago.
It could still use some of the knowledge though.
‘Fake’ Kronos zapped to the Arabian cave.
It got in with its wand with just a wave.
There was an oracle deep within.
‘Fake’ Kronos approached with a crooked grin.
“Tell me now where my enemies might be.”
“I cannot. For that, I am unable to see.”
“You are worthless as tits on a boar.”
“I am thinking I won’t come here anymore.”
“Suit yourself, oh mighty king.”
“Remember. I can answer most anything.”
‘All right. Who sent the scumbags to harass me?”
“The creator of the universe. God himself, you see.”
‘Fake’ Kronos flew into a rage hearing this.
It cussed & swore. Hands gripped into fists.
“He thinks they can beat my ass.”
‘Someone like Him should have more class.”
With that, ‘Fake’ Kronos stomped away.
It had forgotten what It had come there to say.
Meanwhile, the five were in hot debate.
Trying to figure out what would be ‘Fake’ Kronos’s fate.
‘The Shadow’ said “something is familiar with what It did.
“It can’t get such knowledge from just any kid.”
“Hold on, I will be right back.”
With that he was gone, if he was even there, in fact.
In a blink, he had returned to them.
“I went to the ‘Well Of Knowledge’, where It had been.”
“What is this ‘Well Of Knowledge’ asked Anathea.”
“It is an oracle in a cave in Arabia.”
“You are a person of amazing knowledge” she said.
“It comes from being a genie” as he tilted his head.
“‘Fake’ Kronos got knowledge on how to track us.”
“But, it won’t work now. The in between hides us.”
“In between. That’s it! Anika said, while waving a fist.
‘The in between is what?” ‘The Shadow’ lisped.
“Not your in between. It is in between it all.”
“The positive & negative magic. It is in between.”
“Not one nor the other. In a world unseen.”
“It is in a place it should not be.”
“So, nothing can touch it, you see.”
“I think I am starting to get the picture.”
“Well, I am still in the dark. How’d it get here.?”
“It got there when Satan caused a void in the flux.”
“Do to Its nature, It remained between the flux.”
“It can tap into both worlds, but is still outside them.”
“We need a whole new way of thinking to bring It in.”
What do they mean “A whole new way?”
That will be revealed on another day.
For now, it is time to think outside the box.
This is getting wackier than a box of rocks.

—————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

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