The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume III Chapter One

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume III Chapter One

The first thing ‘fake’ Kronos decided to do
was to send the local villagers to school.
Not a school of higher learning, you see.
But, a school of hard knocks. See them flee.
It immediately laid down the law to them.
“You’ll pay me taxes. It won’t be a whim.”
“You’ll do exactly what I tell you to do.”
“If you don’t, I’ll make a crispy critter out of you.”
As proof, it burned a couple of them to ash.
Then dumped their remains in the local trash.
The villagers were shaking in their boots.
One objected. It ripped her hair out by the roots.
‘Fake’ Kronos laughed a big belly laugh.
“Anymore objections?” “Don’t give me any sass.”
“I’ll be back to collect in a week. Be ready.”
“10% of all you have. Don’t try to be petty.”
With that, ‘fake’ Kronos was gone.
Back to its castle. But, not for long.
Soon, it did a repeat performance in another village.
Same demands, along with what it could pillage.
It had fun boiling the blood of someone.
While the blood was still in their body, for fun.
It liked to see people cower and squirm.
It made others crawl through cow shit, like a worm.
It laughed at their suffering & had a ball.
It made it feel like it was ten feet tall.
A more vile creature, the world had never known.
And, over time, it only got worse, it was shown.
It would experiment with new magical spells.
Always on the innocent, with tragic results. No quells.
The people offered sacrifices to be left alone.
It said “No.”, then kill them. The people would moan.
‘Fake’ Kronos would laugh and laugh.
Then yell “You all stink!! Take a bath!”
‘Fake’ Kronos prided itself on new & different ways
to torture the people and make them slaves.
It wasn’t above killing babies.
It would do it without any maybes.
It spread its reign of terror over larger areas of land.
Some villages tried to fight, but were destroyed to the man.
Word of the creature & its monstrous ways
spread across all the land in a few days.
It was a dark time in the history of man.
They said it couldn’t be killed. Try if you can.
‘Fake’ Kronos sang, as it fixed a sandwich for lunch.
A bloody piece of meat on which it did munch.
Things were well. But, they could be better.
It had plans to be Emperor Of Earth. Much better.
It would take a little while to plan.
Might as well have all the fun it can.
It looks like there will be no end to this reign of terror.
Is there not a hero alive in the world anywhere?
We will check back again a little later.
To see what we can learn as a spectator.

——————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

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