The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 7)
Time passed by, as it always does.
The four of them created quite a buzz.
‘The Shadow’ remained in the background.
The girls were unaware of that sound.
When things looked to be getting hot.
‘The Shadow’ was right on the spot.
He said “I have something for you.”
Kronos said “What is this supposed to do.?”
“It is a box of Trojan’s from my time.”
“Put one on your penis to prevent a crime.”
“What!! Is this some kind of a joke?”
“No. It prevents pregnancy. No joke.”
“The sex will still feel good, like it should.”
“But, you will have no fear of fatherhood.”
“Wouldn’t a spell work just as well?”
“Oops, I hadn’t thought of that. Oh well.”
“You nincompoop. Don’t spoil; my sex.”
“Just forget it. It was not a hex.”
Kronos grunted and walked away.
‘I guess things are different back in this day.’
‘The Shadow’ thought, as he disappeared.
Such occurrences for ‘The Shadow’ were not weird.
He came from a totally different time.
Yet, being back in this age did give him peace of mind.
Several months later, things were moving right along.
Zela said “I have many books that cover this. It’s wrong.”
She was referring to a certain reference gone amiss.
“I am sure it should be different than this.”
“Maybe we could have them all brought here.”
“How? We can’t leave. That much is clear.”
“No, but one other can.” Kronos realized he had slipped.
“What exactly is this? Something I haven’t gripped?”
Kronos explained about ‘The Shadow’ with caution.
‘The Shadow’ appeared, like raising from a coffin.
She could see him,— yet she really couldn’t.
She felt almost like she shouldn’t.
“What the hell is going on here?“ she asked.
It was explained how ‘The Shadow’ could travel in between.
How he could not be detected, even by demons, it seemed.
He could select who he would let see him.
Even then, seeing him was very thin.
Zela nor Farrah could not believe it.
Then they seemed to go into a snit.
“You have watched us having sex? You pervert.”
“No, no. I would not do anything so berserk.”
After awhile, things settled down.
‘The Shadow’ said he could bring Zela’s books from town.
So, the research continued & progress was made.
That is, till a demon popped in, to their dismay.
“ What’s up, sex starved humanoids?”
“You should be so lucky, sex starved demonoid.”
“I’ll have you know demons are asexual.”
“We don’t dwell on sex. Were intellectuals.”
Both Kronos & Asglow choked down laughs.
“If you haven’t made progress, your sex won’t last.”
“We have made progress. Compared to the past.”
The demon looked over what they had done.
“Well, I guess you get to keep on having your ‘fun’.”
With that, the demon vanished again.
“I would like to choke the living shit out of him.”
“Me too.” “ That goes for both of us too.”
“But, the risk is too high. I am not a fool.”
They all sighed & shook their heads.
They decided to return to work instead.
A week, or so later, ‘The Shadow’ popped in.
“I have news from the forefront. Shall we begin?”
Exactly what that news is, I don’t know yet.
As soon as I know, you can bet
I will pass it along to you.
But, it may not be easy for me to do.
Until then, just hang on tight.
The end is coming, but it’s still out of sight.
———————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)