The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 6)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 6)

They discussed the details of ‘The Shadow’s’ plan a little more.
Kronos wondered how it would be to have a whore.
‘The Shadow’ thought one more substantial would be better.
Someone with some brains & a real go getter.
“Two women who will support you in your work.”
“Ones who won’t think being here is a quirk.”
“They could possibly help with the endless research.”
“Much better than someone who might go berserk.”
So, they waited for a demon to pop in again.
In a few days, one came popping in.
“Hello magical shams. How are my little lambs?”
“We are not your lambs & we are not shams.”
“Well, pardon me humanoid scum’s.”
“Tell me now what you’ve done?”
“We have done very little of late.”
“We are human, we need a date.”
“What the hell are you whining about now?”
“We need female companionship. We are not cows.”
“Ohh, feeling a little ‘horny’ now, are we?”
“Having women around makes us feel free.”
“But, we want women with brains to be a helpmate.”
“Is that too much for you to relate?”
“Don’t get wise assed with a demon, nut sack.”
“I might find you some women, if you take that back.”
“All right, all right. We apologize.”
“Fine. You shall have women. It will be my surprise.”
With that, the demon was gone.
Kronos & Asglow wondered what went wrong.
“I don’t think anything went wrong” ‘The Shadow’ said.
“I think he let the apology go to his head.”
So, they waited, but the demon didn’t return.
Kronos said “Just as I thought. Worthless as a worm.”
“Give him time. He may come through.”
A day or two later the demon proved his word true.
“I am back with a couple of wenches.”
“Wait awhile before you go into clinches.”
He had a shapely blonde & brunette with him.
They didn’t look happy. There was no grin.
“This is Zela & this one is Farrah.”
“Be warned, she’ll try to pull your hair, ahh.”
“They are both Sorceresses, good at their craft.”
“ They know black magic like a book of math.”
“I hate math” Kronos said.
“Most monkeys do” the demon said.
Just like that, the demon vanished.
Kronos asked the girls if they were famished.
“Why, yes. We are.” said the blonde.
“He didn’t like ask us to come along.”
“Let’s eat & you can tell us all about it.”
In the dining room, he told them to sit.
Kronos & Asglow whipped up a real tasty meal.
They all ate as the girls told of their ordeal.
“Demons are foul & have no sense of humor.”
“He told us what would happen without a glimmer.”
“We haven’t a clue why we are here?”
Asglow said “Let us enlighten you, my dear.”
They told the girls the whole story.
Every detail, in all of its glory.
The girls told of how the demon threatened them.
Not wanting to admit how much they were afraid of him.
“The demon has us all by the short hairs.” Kronos said.
They all laughed, even though it was true what was said.
After dinner they sat and talked a lot.
Getting better aquatinted helped their spot.
The girls said they would help all they could.
It was decided that maybe they should.
‘The Shadow’ whispered to Kronos to not pressure them.
“Before long, they will be like next of kin.”
Kronos said “I wouldn’t go to bed with my sister.”
“No, no. I didn’t mean it like that”. ‘The Shadow’ whispered.
“I certainly wouldn’t expect you to go to bed with your sister.”
“That would be kinky & we don’t want a twister.”
Kronos didn’t understand all he said, but he didn’t respond.
Besides, Kronos found the blond likeable. He was growing fond.
Several days later, they were getting along well.
Asglow & Kronos found the girls knew a lot about spells.
Slowly, Kronos started them out on research first.
He found, for good drink, they had a thirst.
As time passed by, he found they made a good team.
The girls made time pass by faster, or so it seemed.
Kronos had never really been in love before.
He had one mate that he poisoned to prevent gore.
He didn’t intend to share his dominion with her.
He conned her for her talents, that’s for sure.
She was a little more than a good friend.
Yet, he ended up killing her in the end.
Kronos soon found he felt different about Zela.
Asglow said Farrah made him feel—-free, ya.
Seems there may be some serious feelings brewing here.
Given then situation, it wouldn’t be queer.
What develops form here, I am not sure of.
As soon as I know, I will send it by dove. (pun)
Until then,— just hang on tight.
You know how it is when you have a wife.

————————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

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