The Cronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 12)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 12)

They were working almost every night & day.
Something big was coming their way.
A few years later, they were almost done.
They had no idea it would be such fun.
Especially for Kronos, who was new to white magic.
Without Asglow’s guidance, it would have been tragic.
Finally the big day arrived.
They wanted to try out all they strived.
Then, they remembered what the demon had said.
Just the thought of it gave them dread.
Like being paged, a demon popped in.
“Why aren’t you two working? voicing his whim.
“Because we are done with phase II”
“What? Is this the truth coming from you?”
“It is. Here, check it out for yourself.”
They gave him a scroll. He scanned the wealth.
“I can’t believe you finished so quickly”
“We are quite efficient, though some of it was iffy.”
“do we have the o.k. to test it?”
“NO!! Definitely not. It would be too dangerous.”
“You can now proceed on to phase III”
“WHAT?? Are you puling our leg?”
“Demons have no humor. We only make you beg.”
“But, but—How can there be a phase III?”
“Well, let me explain it to thee.”
The demon explained what was expected next.
“We thought the first two phases were nuts.”
“Now you may have blown our trust.”
“This could totally destroy all of creation.”
The demon said “Point made and taken.”
“This could take a millennium or more.”
“Are you suicidal? When done, you will be no more.”
“That is what phase IV is for.”
“Phase IV?? What the hell are you demons planning?”
“A need to know basis. Stop being demanding.”
“What do we finally get out of all this?”
“Possibly the right to live. The Dark Lord will decide this.”
“Get to work. That is an order.”
With that, the demon was no more.
“What the hell are we doing here?” Asglow said.
“It seems, with demons, we are in bed.”
“Yes, we are, but to what end?”
“To find out, I don’t want to wait till then.”
“Do demons have that powerful of enemies?”
“Only God & the heavenly angels. They are many.”
“You don’t think they are planning war on them, do you?”
“I don’t think even demons would be such a fool.”
“Phase I could ignite the very magical flux.”
“Phase II would double that power, or as much.”
“Add phase III & the entire universe is in danger.”
“There was phase IV mentioned. It would be stranger.”
“I am starting to get worried. How about you?”
“Yes, this is not something to look forward to.”
We will leave them in this mental stew.
Where it leads? If I only knew.
When more news comes around.
I will be busy writing it down.
———————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

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