The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 5)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 5)

Kronos prepared for Asglow’s return.
There wasn’t much that he had to learn.
He knew the basic spell to cast already.
First, he checked the warp, feeling sweaty.
He determined that Asglow was still alive.
Hopefully, not insane, he said with pride.
He had the proper amulet for the spell.
He hoped that all would go well.
He rambled some magical words.
A blue light shot out and blurred.
Then it went through the amulet.
Creating a brilliant circle of light beyond it.
Asglow fell out of it, like through a door.
Then, Asglow fell to the floor.
He slowly rose and stared in horror.
“You!! I will rip your throat out!!”
“Whoa” said Kronos. “Back off you lout.”
“I am not the Kronos you think I am.”
‘Just relax, be patient a second, if you can.”
“I am not Egor’s soulless creation.”
“I am Kronos. I am your father.” with elation.
“What? How can that be. Kronos is dead.”
“I was for 150+ years in hell.”
“Being ripped apart over & over by panthers as well.”
“Then, the Dark Lord returned me to the living.”
“To do a special job for him. I’m not kidding.”
“The demons allowed me to set you free.”
“They said you would then be helping me.”
“I have been back for a year, or so.”
“If I disobey, you know where will go.”
Kronos then told Asglow all that he knew.
He showed him the book where he learned to
bring back Asglow, & the rest of the history
while he was in hell. It was no longer a mystery.
“The ‘created’ Kronos is in the outer darkness.”
“That soulless freak was truly heartless.”
“But, this is the real me, ready to kick some ass.”
“I only regret that Anika has already past.”
“Yes,” said Asglow. “She did a number on me too.”
“I know” said Kronos. “She treated you like a fool.”
Then Kronos told Asglow about his revenge.
“Thedra didn’t even know how to defend.”
“Too bad it wasn’t Anika.” Asglow said.
“Yes, but, I have been thinking in my head.”
“Between the two of us, we can manipulate time.”
“Revenge on Anika may yet be mine.”
With that, Kronos let out a evil cackle.
“Right now, that would be too much to tackle.”
Asglow said that he was feeling weak and sick.
Kronos said “I can fix that up real quick.”
He pointed his wand & said “Salvia Officinalis.”
Asglow immediately felt in excellent health.
He was a little bit hungry, was all. Loose belt.
They ate a big meal and both felt better.
Then, a demon appeared, right to the letter.
Kronos said “I have been expecting you.”
“I am here to make sure neither acts the fool.”
“If you do, back to hell, where panthers await.
Asglow will return to the loop. We won’t hesitate.”
Both yelled “No, we haven’t done a thing.”
“I like the way the sound of that rings.”
The demon explained, for Asglow’s benefit.
Exactly what they would work on forthwith.
“What. That would be impossible.”
“No Asglow. It is quite possible.”
“Demons could do it. But, it must be done by you.”
“Exactly why, no need to know, just do.”
“Only on a need to know basis will more be revealed.”
“Now, continue on. Oh, we have strengthened the shield.”
The force field around the castle was what he meant.
With that, poof, away the demon went.
It seems their path is laid out clear.
But, both want revenge. I am no seer.
But, I would say they will work also on their plan.
If revealed, I will explain it, if I can.

—————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

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