The Past, Present, And Future

The Past, Present, And Future

The way it was, I can clearly see.
Not so, the way it supposed to be.
The past is just a good bye.
The present is the reason why.
The future is yet for us to see.
Would you like to spend it with me?
They say we can learn from the past.
According to the present, that didn’t last.
The future, they say, we can make our own.
It will go smoother if we make a home.
It is only the future for which I can plan.
I want you with me, if I possibly can.
You are with me in my scheme of things.
I hope you really know what that means.
A day will come when I will look back.
I’ll say: “I arrived here because I did all that.”
With the proper foundation our love will stand.
We don’t want to build on a foundation of sand.
We want something that Is going to last.
So we will be content when our future is our past.

——————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

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