Play Day At The Park
The time of day said it’s time to play.
I am hoping all will go okay.
She will be in the park about now.
I have to try to meet her somehow.
You would think I would come up with a plan.
Nothing seemed right, but I must be the man.
I said: “Hi, haven’t I seen you here before?”
“Probably. I come here often to explore.”
“I know this park like the back of my hand.”
“I would be happy to help you, if I can.”
“My name is Bob. What is yours?”
“Mine is Phenelope. Penny for short.”
“I like that. It sounds high fashion.”
“You can go to the head of the class then.”
She smiled when I laughed at that.
She said: “I hope I don’t smell a rat.”
‘What do you mean by that?”
“If you’re up to no good, you’ll get zapped.”
“I have pepper spray here in my purse.”
“God sakes, no!! Don’t make me curse.”
“I can’t be taking chances these days.”
“I know what you mean. I am Amazed.”
“Amazed about what, may I ask.”
“That you didn’t think I was making a pass.”
“What? You were making a pass?”
“I won’t admit it now, my dear lass.”
They both laughed about that.
They spent the afternoon exploring the paths.
They talked and got better acquainted.
He felt like he had been anointed.
Covered by her sweet tenderness.
She relaxed. Nothing seemed to be amiss.
They made a date to meet again the next day.
He felt something good was coming his way.
————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)