Improbable History
“In 1492, something sailed the ocean blue.”
“I am wondering about it, just like you.”
“I’ve heard rumors. They are in my head.”
“It all happened, just like they said.”
“But, what the hell happened,” I asked.
As I sat there scratching my ass.
“Didn’t you pay attention in school?”
“Of course I did, you dorky fool!”
“Well, this was taught in history class.”
“Sorry.—– That was one I didn’t pass.”
“That is easy enough to tell.”
“Would you like a one way ticket to hell?”
“Don’t get in an uproar, it’s time to learn.”
“The answer to this riddle we will confirm.”
“Columbus sailed the ocean blue.”
“It happened way back in 1492.”
“Who gives a hoot about way back then?”
“Did he set a speed record, or smuggle gin?”
“NO. He discovered America.”
“The New World; and met native Americans.”
“Well, blow me down. No wonder I failed.”
“I probably slept through such a boring tale.”
“The queen hocked her jewels to pay for his trip.”
“What? He hocked stolen jewels to make that trip?”
“No wonder he wanted to get away as far as possible.”
“Now you’re making a mockery of history. Not plausible.”
“I’m just telling it in laymen’s words.”
“You’ve earned another ‘F’. It’s for the birds.”
“Teaching you history is an impossible job.”
“You are one person who is very odd.”
“Speak for yourself. One of worthless knowledge.”
“To learn the truth, I will have to go to college.”
—————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)