More Than A Friend (Part 7)
They found out it was only the mayor and his son.
They seemed to be the only ones.
They all decided to leave things as they were.
They didn’t want to expose their hand, that’s for sure.
They started checking on other city council members.
Only a couple had that smell they could remember.
They kept track of all they found.
To the state capitol, they were next bound.
Coz could sniff out any reptile smell.
They wrote down the names of any he could tell.
Much less than they expected it to be.
Yet enough to be a problem, they could see.
They passed all the information on to the aliens.
Soon, a list developed, which goes without saying.
Looking at it, you could start to get a picture.
Just how much control reptiles had depicted here.
Not enough of them to take total control.
But, enough to affect a blow.
A showdown was coming in a matter of time.
They wanted to surprise them. Be real sublime.
First they made contact with other androids.
A meeting was scheduled they couldn’t avoid.
A master plan was set in place.
They had guidance from the alien race.
In the meantime, Coz and Tom enjoyed the summer.
They went on double dates with one another.
And their girls, Raywin and Truly.
The summer was turning out pretty cool, you see.
They went swimming, bowling, movies, and biking.
Picnic’s, dancing, waterslides, and hiking.
They were having a lot of fun.
All under the warm summer sun.
Then, they ran into Pete. The ‘king’ of the prom.
He was cruising. Wanted the girls to come along.
They declined and he got upset.
They were making him feel all wet.
He said “ Do you know who I am?”
They said “Yes. Someone to avoid, if you can.”
“We remember you from prom night.”
“You sure acted like an ass alright.”
His face turned red and he was pissed.
He took off like they’d never be missed.
As far as the girls were concerned, he wouldn’t be.
They were happy with their dates, as anyone could see.
But, the boys knew more trouble was ahead.
That was just the way with this knucklehead.
They had planned what they would do.
If, that time ever occurred, thanks to the fool.
It would occur, but that will come later.
For now, keep reading. I will see you later.
————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)