More Than A Friend (Part 1)
The other day, while with a friend.
He said “Can I talk from deep within?”
I had no idea what it could be.
I said “Sure, you can talk to me.”
“What I am about to say no one knows.”
“Can you keep it a secret, bro?”
“Sure, you can trust in me.”
“I mean, how bad can it be?”
“O.k., here goes. I am an android.”
“A what?” I said, sounding annoyed.
“You know. A robot that looks and acts human.”
I was about to come unglued then.
“I have known you since we were kids.”
“How can that be?”, about to flip my lid.
“My father created me to be a child.”
“One that would grow and mature. Not wild.”
“That way I would be as human as possible.”
“What I am saying is the true gospel.”
“Prove it then.” I said, rather smugly.
He said “O.K., but it may get a little ugly.”
He pulled out a knife that was very sharp.
Cut open his forearm and tore it apart.
Minor bleeding with wirers, rods, etc. below.
I almost fell over. It was quite a blow.
He covered the flap over and it healed.
“My god, you are a robot!!” I squealed.
“An android.” He said without a smile.
“I have been wanting to tell you for awhile.”
“Are there more out there like you?”
“No, I am the only one. That is true.”
“Do you have any special abilities?”
“Yes, I am strong, I can heal fast, and….”
“And what else?” I said with demand.
“Smart, fast, computer compatible.”
What do you mean? That I can know?”
“I can connect a computer to my brain.”
“I can surf the internet. Become any game.”
“All kinds of cool stuff like that.”
“It is like it is a maze and I am the rat.”
“Do you have all the feelings humans do?”
“Yes, I can cry, hurt, fall in love too.”
“Why did you decide to confide in me?”
“There is trouble on the way, you see.”
“What kind of trouble are you talking about?”
“The very worst.” He said, at almost a shout.
“Meet me today after school.”
“Then, I will tell you all they knew.”
“They? Who are they?”
“You’ll find out then. No telling, by the way.”
—————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)