The Raise Of Asglow (Epilogue)

The Raise Of Asglow (Epilogue)

Asglow had appointed a caretaker for the castle.
Castle Kronos, the one on the granite plateau.
He was to be tour guide and a caretaker/guard.
He had much to do, plus take care of the yards.
His name was Egor, a young, brilliant Wizard.
He was there around the clock. Even in blizzards.
When he learned of Asglow’s disappearance.
He felt the castle was his insurance.
He had explored the entire place.
All the knowledge was his piece of cake.
The more he learned the more he wanted.
Asglow’s absence left him undaunted.
He did his job for years and learned more.
The idea of creating life was at its core.
He found the most ancient books of all.
He thought he had found his lifelong call.
Slowly a plan came to his foolish mind.
He could create life, given enough time.
He wanted to learn more. There was a way.
He would create Kronos again someday.
This is a story for another time.
But, remain a reader and keep it in mind.

—————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

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