The Raise Of Asglow (Part 7)

The Raise Of Asglow (Part 7)

Time had passed. Asglow was almost ready.
He proceeded with his plan, slow and steady.
First, he had to bring the Wizards under his spell.
No fight was involved. Things were proceeding well.
First he called all Wizards to a large meeting.
Anika and family did a combined greeting
with a spell that protected them from within.
They didn’t trust Asglow. They feared he would win.
At the meeting Asglow quoted a pledge.
This caused all Wizards to lose their edge.
It brought them under Asglow’s control.
It happened so smoothly, they didn’t even know.
Anika and her family were protected from it.
Their combined shield from within did the trick.
Yet, they weren’t really aware what happened.
The title of the meeting had no caption.
What was this meeting called for?
Something was wrong, as they left out the door.
They knew something had just happened, but what?
They zapped home. All their defenses were up.
They started planning what to do.
Anika said ”I think the church will do.”
“We pick a side room and line it with mirrors.”
“Walls, ceiling, totally cover it. Is that clear?’
“But, what will this do?” Ansir said.
“I’m not sure, but I have it planned in my head.”
They carried out her orders right away.
This was going to be another episodic day.
Then Anika contacted Asglow via her wand.
‘Meet me in the church. Bring your wand.’
Asglow immediately knew what Anika meant.
She wasn’t affected by the spell he sent.
Now, it comes down to that final hour.
I knew I would have to make Anika cower.
It’s only proper after what she did to Kronos.
I will turn her into a lone ghost.
Asglow zapped to the church.
He entered and stopped with a lurch.
No one was there. He searched around.
Then, in a side room, Anika was found.
She stood there with her wand raised.
“You will fight me in a church of praise?”
“God will protect me.” Anika said.
Asglow just laughed and shook his head.
“Bring it on then.” He stood ready, no fear.
Anika changed her wand to the spear.
Before she could activate it, Asglow was gone.
He jumped back a few minutes. Not long.
He moved forward to get behind Anika.
He jumped back forward to grab her. Eureka!
What was this? He was out in some woods.
He jumped again, the best he could.
He didn’t know where he was at.
He felt like he was flapping around like a bat.
A few more jumps and he realized.
“I am caught in a time loop.” he cried.
Different time realities kept appearing.
He’d jump every few minutes he was fearing.
Billions of realities could exist.
The mirrors sent him on this trip.
They had distorted everything for him.
He didn’t know how to get back.
He could be trapped like this for an eternity at that.
When he didn’t reappear, Anika knew she was right.
They removed all the mirrors & put them out of sight.
She had figured out why his future couldn’t be seen.
She had filled in the gap in the in between.
All the Wizards snapped out of their trance.
They had lost time. But, they had a second chance.
After another meeting and all was explained.
The new head of the council, Anika, was named.
Another major tragedy was avoided for them.
But, for Asglow, his tragedy would just begin.

———————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

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