The Raise Of Asglow (Part 2)
Asglow found a private place to study.
Using Kronos’s diary, he was like putty.
Being molded into a Kronos image.
The dark side seemed to know his lineage.
He mastered all he could find on black magic.
It took time, but that wouldn’t be tragic.
Once he became master of time.
He thought:—- ‘All would be mine.’
In the meantime, things had changed.
One of the council had been claimed.
He passed away due to his age.
They needed another, much younger in age.
Ansir , Siran, & Asglow were obvious choices.
Asglow was older by a year said voices.
He may be wiser, best choice by far.
He won the vote, for what you are.
Well respected, one of the best.
Always studying, more than the rest.
Asglow accepted his place on the council.
He was praised by all the townsfolk.
Even Ansir and Siran felt it was right.
They knew Asglow could handle any fight.
But, he was also very wise for his age.
They didn’t have a problem to engage.
But, if so, Asglow would give good advice.
To depend on him, they didn’t think twice.
Asglow used his position to gain power.
He made the right friends for the hour.
Soon, he was voted head of the council.
Leader of the Wizards. That was a mouthful.
Still, he studied the forbidden arts.
All in secret, right from the start.
A plan was slowly forming in his mind.
It was one to which he was inclined.
He knew Kronos was defeated by the Wizards.
He also knew he could defeat the Wizards.
There would not even be a war.
The Wizards wouldn’t even leave their door.
He knew Kronos didn’t know where the Wizards went.
Yet, he was living there. It was like he was sent.
Ruler of additive magic, soon, ruler of subtractive magic.
Yet, he was taking his time. He was not a fanatic.
He was close to controlling the time spells.
He needed a certain amulet to settle his quells.
With it, he could control all time.
Where to look to make the find?
He needed to do more historic research.
He dove into it for all he was worth.
Will he be able to find what he wants?
Next time you’ll know, without any taunts.
————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)