The Mighty Hand Of Faa
The time has come for all to decide.
Will you live,—— or will you die.
What a choice. Most will say live.
But, to do so, you must forgive.
Forgive what? You ask in awe.
Forgive those they call the Faa.
Those aliens who conquered the earth.
You now are a slave from your birth.
Accept it as your destiny.
There is nothing you can do, you see.
This rubs your hackles the wrong way.
You don’t accept being a slave today.
If you don’t, then you will die.
Acceptance means life, so do not cry.
All will accept because they want to live.
But, they will never come to forgive.
They will hope to someday be free.
This is not the life for you and me.
The Faa is stripping this earth to the bone.
All minerals, metals, and precious stones.
We, the slaves, will do all the work.
Killing our own world. What a quirk.
We are a back world dump to the Faa.
Being assigned here is a lowly call.
Slaves are treated with indifference.
Nothing we can do will make a difference.
But, as earthlings, we never give up.
A plan is developing in the ruff.
It will take time to carry it out.
They will learn what we are about.
But, that is another story.
Soon to be told in all its glory.
So, come back and hear it all.
You will be proud and stand tall.
——————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)