Battle On The Play Ground
There is little time to mess around.
There is a fight on the play ground.
Nobody knows what they are fighting about.
It started when Joe hit her in the snout.
Break it up. Send them to the principle.
Now, now, let us all be sensible.
What do you mean by that?
Two teachers are fighting. It’s more than a scrap.
I doubt the principle can do much here.
He won’t paddle them, I fear.
Maybe he’ll take them out to lunch.
I’m sure they would like that a bunch.
Besides, I hear he often tips a beer.
That won’t help. That much is clear.
It is a bad example to the kids.
The balls she kneed was his.
He was rolling on the ground in pain.
But, he still managed to hit her with his cane.
Its gotten bloody, and they haven’t stopped.
She bit him with all she’s got.
It was with 2 teeth, maybe three.
He knocked one out trying to get free.
Man, he really split her lip.
She has blood smeared on her hip.
She yelled she hope he rots.
That’s it, I’m calling the cops.
Too late now. I think he had a stroke.
Or a heart attack. He does smoke.
What is this world coming to?
Obviously, not what it’s supposed to do.
—————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)