Computer Joke Of The Wrong Kind

Computer Joke Of The Wrong Kind

Little Billy Keefer had a problem.
He didn’t know how to solve them.
After all,—– he is only nine.
Someone hacked his computer time.
He only plays simple computer games.
Makes things explode and go up in flames.
Fun games, like all kids play.
He would like to blow the hacker up some day.
Often, he can’t get in to play.
It says if you want in, pay money today.
He never had to pay before.
He was mad. This means war.
He will talk to his BIG brother.
Get some help with this bugger.
His brother set up a virus to wipe out the hacker.
First he used a thing called a tracker.
Before long, daddy was cussing.
He got a virus and it had him fussing.
Little Billy said “I know how you feel.”
“I had a hacker, but I made him squeal.”
“What!!” daddy yelled. “That was me.”
“I was just playing a joke, you see.”
“Your virus wiped out my computer!!”
“What am I going to do now dear?”
His wife had no sympathy for him.
She felt he got what was coming to him.
What comes around goes around they say.
Better save such jokes for another day.

—————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

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