Kronos Escapes From Hell (Epilog)
All the Wizards were back home again.
Siran and Ansir thought she couldn’t win.
Anika said she would have lost without the plan.
“You have to defeat evil however you can.”
“Kronos would have detected any magical trap.”
“Using the animals was where it was at.”
“I did the same in The 7 Levels Of Hell.”
“It seems it worked out very well.”
The twins said they would remember that lesson.
The animals were happy. They played fetch then.
So things settled back down to their routine.
If a monarchy, Anika would have been queen.
But, she was happy to just be a mother and wife.
A good way to live out the rest of her life.
If you were attuned, you would hear the screams.
Kronos never stopped, or so it seemed.
He had met his final fate.
Too insane with pain to even relate.
You would think others would learn.
Or, meet the same fate in return.
‘The Shadow’ was back home again.
He knew future battles, he would win.
He had Kronos wand to use in that hour.
When Kronos died, he inherited the power.
All the power of the wand was his now.
With his new knowledge, he would be foul.
Before long, the modern world will be made aware.
There is something that will give you a scare.
For he was the greatest Warlock today.
The only one. So, he will get his way.
————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2017)