Kronos Escapes Hell (Chapter Eight)
Kronos was thinking to himself.
‘Use the lance, don’t be a whelp.’
He knew he could win if she did.
If she didn’t,—- he’d flip his lid.
Anika dug deep within herself.
Pulled the last of her power off the shelf.
She tried a freezing spell on Kronos.
His shield blocked it, for the most.
He tried to lasso Anika with magic.
She rolled, he missed, it was tragic.
She was getting unsteady on her feet.
Kronos was also getting weak.
How much longer could they go on?
Any others would already be gone.
Flash and Stealth had closed the gap.
They were at Kronos’s back.
He had just started to cast a spell.
They attacked, and did it well.
They took Kronos down instantly.
So fast people could hardly see.
They were ripping him apart.
Kronos was screaming like a lark.
His wand had flew away when he was hit.
‘The Shadow’ saw and went after it.
He zapped over and grabbed the wand.
Then, instantly, he was gone.
Kronos had never felt such pain.
Worse than hell and demon’s flame.
He thrashed and screamed and then was still.
The panthers were successful in their kill.
Meanwhile, Anika collapsed. She was beaten.
She had no more. She couldn’t defeat him.
Next she knew, Sirle was picking her up.
Hugging her like a little pup.
“You did it! Kronos is dead!”
˜What was that you said?”
“The panthers ripped him apart.”
“But, I saw the ‘other’ fry them with a dart?”
“The eagles warned them. They dodged in time.”
“Those animals were all working overtime.”
‘The Shadow’ had zapped back to their Ireland Keep.
He had little time. He was fast on his feet.
He gathered up every single thing.
Put it all in a magical sling.
Grabbed it and zapped to 2017 to his lab.
He was back home at last and he was glad.
The eagles led the others to The Keep.
Too late. Nothing left. They destroyed The Keep.
On the grass where Kronos body lay,
A Pillar of Black Smoke and Fire rose up that day.
Two demons drug Kronos body into the Pillar.
It descended into the ground, leaving no filler.
In hell, Kronos was alive again.
The demons then spoke to him.
“You think you outsmarted us when you escaped.”
“We knew it was coming. It was your fate.”
“We let you go just to see if you could win.”
“But, you failed, as usual, so, never again.”
“But now, for being so arrogant, you’ll suffer.”
“It will be for eternity with no buffer.”
“The worst pain you ever felt, was at your death.”
“Being ripped apart by the panthers, I’ll bet.”
“So, you will relive it over and over here in hell.”
“You will die and come back, but, never be well.”
“Over and over to pay for your sins.”
“Which we can’t forgive, so it never ends.”
“Are you prepared to meet your fate?”
“Too bad if you’re not, because it’s too late.”
Kronos was instantly being ripped apart.
He was screaming out his heart.
So horrible was his final fate,
we won’t discuss it further. It’s just too late.
————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2017)