Kronos Escapes Hell (Chapter One)
Kronos appeared in front of his ruined castle.
He had made it back to his time with no hassle.
He threw stones aside using Black Magic.
If his books were ruined, it would be tragic.
A powerful spell protected the hidden room.
He would locate it real soon.
Not all his books had he brought to the cave.
The one now nonexistent, to his dismay.
A demon destroyed it when he was taken.
Kronos had learned his lesson, no mistaking.
He located the protected room in the castle.
Moved all books out by magic, without hassle.
He looked up a spell to detect magical spots.
The strongest, now known as Ireland, was hot.
Kronos traveled there. It took him 2 months.
Once there, he could zap back at once.
He found an underground dwelling.
Made it his base. There was no yelling.
Just remodeling, done by magic power.
Protected by many spells for the hour.
All books and anything else he needed.
He brought there, then he proceeded.
He connected to ‘The Shadow’ through time.
Transferred him there by just his mind.
‘The Shadow’ was shaken up at first.
Kronos said: “This is not a curse.”
“I have brought you here to be my acolyte.”
Kronos told him all, to ‘The Shadow’s’ delight.
Kronos told him his entire life’s story.
“You look so young.” “What glory!”
“Before I got dragged to hell,
I made a powerful spell that would dwell
In the Black Magical rift.”
“To remain until a day like this.”
“That ball of energy you opened was it.”
“I knew, someday, somebody would be fit.”
“Fit to bring me back from hell or the grave.”
“So, you’re my acolyte, not a slave.”
“We must go to work. I have a lot to teach you.”
“Black Magic will speed up your lessons too.”
“You will learn very rapidly without problem.”
“You’ll face problems and you’ll solve them.”
“With my help, it will be a snap.”
“You won’t get caught in any trap.”
Kronos taught him all he knew.
Then, Kronos laid out what they would do.
Kronos had eons to make his plans.
His power had quadrupled throughout the land.
It was what sustained him while in hell.
Anika was done. That much he could tell.
——————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2017)