The Revenge Of Kronos (Chapter 6)
Kronos and Ikurea were watching her crystal ball.
By looking in it, they could see all.
There were skirmishes here and there.
His Warlocks were fighting everywhere.
Things seemed to be going his way.
“Anika and the Wizards would rule the day
they thought they could beat Kronos!”
“They will soon learn I am no ghost.”
Then, he saw that the Wizards seemed to be
moving toward a central point, to me.
He said “What is that place they go?”
Ikurea said “The Church Of The True God, you know.”
“Ahh, that figures. That is holy ground to them.”
“They must think their God will save them.”
“I will tell all Warlocks thru their wands,
to attack the place. Soon, they will be gone.”
“We will make a mockery of their God.”
“I am the one carrying the iron rod!!”
“Kill all in their sanctuary, except Anika”
“Bring her to me!!. I will meet ya.”
“She will bow to me before I do her in.”
“There is no way in hell that she can win.”
Jeru was bringing buckets of the tonic by wagon.
He was being safe, yet smart, like a dragon.
He was nearing the church,
when a Warlock hit him with a frozen curse.
Wizards saw him fall off the wagon.
The Warlock zapped away. He wasn’t lagging.
Anika rushed to his side.
He was gone. No way to save his hide.
In his frozen state, he looked like he was saying a word.
She began to wonder if it could be heard.
She unfroze his lungs and vocal cords.
Her ear was close to his mouth, air roared.
It sounded to her like “salt!!”
What did he mean by that? She halted.
“Get all these buckets to the church.”
All on the wagon was brought in the church.
Anika said ”Start pouring the tonic into the ditch.”
“What about this bag of salt that came with it?”
Then, it hit her like a thunderbolt from head to feet.
“HALT!!” she yelled. “Add a pinch of salt to each.”
“Are you sure of this?” asked a couple of Wizards.
“Yes!!” “Salt is the final ingredient,—- I’m sure.”
They added the salt, like it was a cure.
The tonic began to bubble. It became the color of dirt.
They all grabbed a bucket and went to work.
Once the ditch was completely filled,
it was hard to see the tonic. It had chilled.
They all rushed back inside.
Just before the first Warlocks arrived.
Would the tonic work? Or, was Anika wrong?
When I return, I will reveal that song.
—————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2017)