The Revenge Of Kronos (Chapter 1)

      The Revenge Of Kronos (Chapter 1)

Kronos needed a secret place to work.

The fact he was alive wasn’t a quirk.

At the bottom of a gorge, was a cave.

“It would work fine,” he did rave.

He used magic to make it bigger.

He hid the entrance and added a trigger.

The place was protected with a powerful spell.

He knew it would protect him very well.

He gathered his potions and other things.

Most of his books, he did bring.

There were a couple herbs that were rare.

He would have to bring them there.

But, first, he had to locate where they grew.

Then collect them at night. He was no fool.

Finally, after much time had passed.

He was ready to start his task.

He had a plan to win back his empire.

To do so, he would create the Black Fire.

He felt he could bring forth demons.

Control them and their feelings.

It would be a dangerous task.

He had the spells. He had the brass.

He was ready to put it to the test.

Then he thought of all the rest.

It would be better to find his queen first.

One who would share his blood lust thirst.

He knew of a sorceress way out back.

A witch of The Black Arts, at that.

She knew of him, but they never met.

He was ready. All was set.

He would swoon her with his charms.

He would hold her in his arms.

He would use her to perfect his plans.

As his queen, she would share the land.

He zapped himself to her hidden cottage.

Surrounded by herbs and other pottage.

He rapped on the door and waited.

She answered the door and hesitated.

She knew who he was at first sight.

“Kronos, I thought you were dead.”

“You can’t believe all that is said.”

“Obviously,—- why are you here?”

“I have a proposal I want to make clear.”

He laid out his plans to her.

She was quite interested, for sure.

Yet, what part would she play?

“You’ll be my queen, then, on the big day.”

“You’ll get half of my empire’s land”
“Providing you help me with my plan.”

She agreed with a vicious smile.

They signed in blood to last awhile.

What came next is another story.

Some of it is pretty gory.

——————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2017)





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