End Time Prophet??

              End Time Prophet??

My life is hanging by a very thin thread.

I can’t tell you what’s running through my head.

Ohh, ohh, ohh, —-not a lire.


All the people keep coming around.

They want the wisdom I can pass down.

Ohh, ohh, ohh, —not a lire.


Can he give you what you’re praying for?

Will you have to show him the door?

There are others who are wondering too.

What will be the end of you.?

The answer is written on the wall.

They will continue till they fall.

Many wonder what this world is coming to.

That is why I am praying for you.


The sky grows dark as they gather around.

There is moisture on the ground.

Ohh, ohh, ohh, —not a lire.


The final vision is coming fast now.

The people can make it through somehow.

Ohh, ohh, ohh, —not a lire.


Yes, the answer is written on the wall.

The prophets before have seen it all.

Small differences will mean very little.

You have to dance when He plays His fiddle.

The beat is fast, the tempo uplifting.

It is now time for the sifting.

Those marked with love will make it through.

In the hand or forehead is nothing new.


It is here with blinding speed.

None are sure just how to proceed.

Ohh, ohh, ohh, —not a lire.


Love is the greatest weapon of all.

If you can’t love, then you will fall.

Ohh, ohh, ohh, —not a lire.

———————————R. W. Johnson—–(2017)





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