A Cashless Society

             A Cashless Society

The value of the dollar is going down.

You can see where we are bound.

Can you see any reasonable way out?

This is what it is all about.

The latest answer is pretty weird.

It is the direction we are being stirred.

The Federal Reserve will issue bit coins.

“Fed coins”, or something, will be coined.

They will rapidly replace paper money.

People, at first, will like it plenty.

Till they see how their privacy is destroyed.

This is something that can’t be ignored.

We have all heard it before in the Bible.

If you don’t comply, you’ll be more than liable.

Can’t buy or sell without  a mark & # of his name.

A bit coin, or ‘Fed Coin’ is a start. Make it plain.

It’s a small step from there to a ‘chip.’

Embedded under your skin to be quick.

It will contain all there is to know about you.

Your privacy is gone, whatever you do.

All purchases or sales done through the ‘chip.’

You can easily be barred from any of it.

Say your religious belief didn’t agree

with whatever was allowed by the powers that be.

You would be barred from buying or selling.

I am sure of this without even yelling.

Best to hide out and avoid the ‘chip.’

If you are caught, you will be in for it.

It is much closer than you think.

We are standing right on the brink.

Get your affairs in order.

We are right on the border.

Make sure your life is right with God.

The end times are here. This isn’t odd.

Don’t be caught unprepared.

Remember, He has always cared.

That is why He warned us of the end.

It’s in the Bible. Why pretend?

There is only one way out.

That’s what the 2ond coming of Jesus is about.

————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2017)





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