The Time App.
I have invented a ‘time app.’
What do you think of that?
Go back in time a little bit.
15 min., 30 min., up to 2 hrs.
Lost precious time is now ours.
I tested out the beta app.
I was driving like a bat.
Soon, red lights came flashing.
He was behind me, not passing.
He said he had me on radar.
Going faster than a falling star.
Just before he started writing.
I pushed the app. Like lightening,
I was driving 15 min. earlier.
I slowed down, just to be sure.
Soon, I saw him behind a thicket.
He was squirming to give a ticket.
I went by at the legal speed limit.
His radar was on me for a minute.
I never saw him after that.
Saved myself a bunch of crap.
What if going back caused a problem?
Changing things may not solve them.
I could make a mint off this.
It would be a hit, but it could go amiss.
The ending could be tragic, you see.
This could be the end of me.
What do you think of it all?
Get a patent and roll with the fall?
Or, leave it alone as something taboo?
What to do, I’ll never know.—Do you?
———————R. W. Johnson—–(2016)