Archeological Dig Gone Wrong

Archeological Dig Goes Wrong

I went on an archeological dig.
Ancient ruins in an orchard of figs.
Why would these ruins be here?
Buried on purpose, was clear.
The dig lasted a year and a half.
What was dug up took more than that.
A circle of pillars with strange symbols.
They were all around the pillars lintels.
We didn’t understand what they meant.
If we did, we would have covered it & went.
It turned out to be a portal to hell.
The symbols were chants,— a spell.
One that would bring up a demon.
There is no doubt it was a mean one.
The symbols indicated ‘it’ killed all there.
‘It’ just appeared out of nowhere.
After finally translating the symbols,
it was clear to all, except two bimbos.
Two came back and chanted the words.
The ground shook. It was absurd.
Then, ‘it’ was there, out of nowhere.
They were grabbed & thrown in the air.
Then, they were ripped all apart.
The sight of the remains made us barf.
The site was rapidly covered up.
Taboo signs were stuck in the muck.
It was never mentioned again.
People were just told it was a sin.

—————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

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