Fully Assured
I feel the time has come.
I know it’s probably early for some.
But, the feeling won’t go away.
I feel it is here to stay.
Time to do what others won’t.
Some have told me: “Don’t.”
Others say “It is your time.”
Has to be now, while in my prime.
No one has ever tried it before.
Many have just walked out the door.
That will not be me.
I will succeed, you will see.
So, it hasn’t been done before.
There is always the first to score.
It will take all I’ve got.
I know I can hit the spot.
I must have self assurance.
Not to mention much endurance.
So, wish me well. I’m on my way.
I may claim my fame today.
—————–R. W. Johnson—–(2016)