High Hopes

High Hopes

It feels like lightening running through my veins.
Every time you look at me that way, it’s the same.
It could be magic or animal attraction for me.
Whatever it is, I like it, whatever it seems to be.
I don’t know if you are aware of all of this.
Of how you send me into a passion of bliss.
I only pray I am doing the same to you.
If it is no, it could break my heart in two.
But, every indication says the answer is yes.
You have set me apart from all the rest.
I have the feeling I’m into something good.
For once, my love life may turn out like it should.
The little things mean so much to me.
They make me happy and make me free.
I want to soar, like a kite in a strong wind.
I know, inside, you are much more than a friend.
Where this is going, I have no idea.
I am in for the ride & want to still see ya.
If it works out we will both be in 7th heaven.
One complimenting the other like yeast & leaven.
What better way to spend our day,
than doing everything our way.
As the wind whistles through the trees,
so my thoughts are saying please.
Please let this be what I am hoping for.
Then, we will be together forever more.

—————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

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