A Better High
I don’t use smack & I don’t use crack.
I don’t associate with those who do.
Hallucinogenics are exactly that.
They are not the real you.
Alcohol can give you a buzz.
In the end it will be the end of you.
You’ll end up wanting it the way it was.
Marijuana can get you high.
You’ll lose all motivation .
You won’t even try.
Many things can get you high.
If that is what you’re looking for.
Higher than a kite can fly.
But, the crash is a real chore.
The old saying remains true.
What is that you may ask?
You can never run away from you.
It’s shocking when you remove the mask.
There is something much better.
You will stay high all the time.
It is the forgiveness and love of God.
I will take that high anytime..——————-R.W. Johnson—–(2014)