Health Lesson Learned Late

Health Lesson Learned Late.

Across town, I had to go.
I wanted to see a show.
The theater was over there.
But, really didn’t care.

It was a little out of my way.
Still, I drove by there every day.
My girl lived right near there.
I would always slow & stare.

Stare at the theater parking lot.
Roach Trucks parked on that spot.
I tried to see if she was there.
She ate there often, without a care.

We had talked about the risk of that.
Sometimes it was almost a spat.
I wouldn’t touch any of that food.
I felt it was prepared pretty crude.

But, that never bothered her.
She felt it was safe. That’s for sure.
Luckily, she never got sick.
Yet, I would not even touch it.

I was a health nut, to be sure.
Sort of fussy, as it were.
I only ate certain things.
She thought it was all beans.

Beans was not what I ate.
I ate veggies, fruit, and steak.
I avoided sugar and wheat.
I wouldn’t eat it if it was sweet.

Enough of that. We went to the show.
She wanted popcorn. Here we go.
With butter and a soda too.
I said “This is not for you.”

So, the fight over food began again.
It spoiled the movie, so I gave in.
I only ate nuts and drank water.
She said: “You eat like an otter.”

I didn’t disagree to prevent a fight.
She said her popcorn was light.
I disagreed, but kept quiet.
I didn’t want to start a riot.

After the movie, we went for dinner.
I took her to a place I called a winner.
She hardly even touched her meal.
It was healthy. A real deal.

Then she wanted to stop at Dunkin Donuts.
Said she wanted to get some cronuts.
Said that would be her dessert.
I said “No,” for what it’s worth.

Time goes by, like it always does.
She isn’t my girl now, just because.
My health is fine & I’m feeling good.
She is fat & not feeling like she should.

While with me she didn’t learn a thing.
Always thought I was being mean.
Now, she admits I may have been right.
For her to shape up will be a real fight.

—————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

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