The Coffee House

The Coffee House

Feeling down and all strung out?
Wondering what it’s all about?
I was in The Coffee House again.
Feeling good on my favorite ‘gin.’
Not booze, just really good coffee.
Despite the fact I often had to pee.
When down and out, coffee helped.
I would toss it down like taking a belt.
Coffee would give me energy.
I felt like moving.—– I felt free.
Like a heavy weight was lifted off me.
Despite the fact, I often had to pee.
What does coffee do for you?
Is it a ‘pick me up’ for you too?
Coffees come from everywhere.
In certain places, coffee is better there.
Find your favorite and drink it down.
Before long, you will be all over town.
The best place is in The Coffee House.
Drink your coffee and use your mouse.
Free WiFi for all coffee drinkers.
Good for the dreamers and the thinkers.
There is often entertainment too.
Someone will play music for you.
Or, maybe, there will be a poetry reading.
Welcoming you with a friendly greeting.
So, if you’re a little down and out.
The Coffee House is what it is about.
Come on down and have a cup of brew.
‘Nectar Of The Gods’ brewed just for you.

————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

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