Enough Is Enough. He Was Fed Up.

Enough Is Enough. He Got Fed Up.

I don’t want to see you anymore.
I don’t want to feel your breath upon my neck.
I don’t want to try to even the score.
I have come to the point of ‘what the heck!!’
Anything that you try to do is too much.
You continue to be an irritant at all times.
You have become that pain I feel in my gut.
I don’t want to ever say again, “You’re mine.”
You can have the key to your door.
Give it to some other ‘sucker fish’ on your line.
I don’t need it. I don’t live there anymore.
Now I have better ways to spend my time.
You can catch a streetcar that goes into the sea.
The quicker it’s done the better I will feel.
It would mean the quicker you are away from me.
Sometimes I wonder how I got in this mess.
Then I remember. You needed some help.
Being a nice guy, I volunteered, I guess.
Before long, you had ‘suckered’ this little whelp
My life has been a living tragedy ever since.
But, that is finally over now.
I have finally hopped over the fence.
I have made my escape, like a free range cow.
The day will come when someone will stop you.
They will put you in your place.
You will be put high upon a shelf with no stool.
Then no one will ever have to see your face.

—————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

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