A Chaperone Through Life

A Chaperone Through Life

I went to a party on the back streets of L.A.
It was the same old thing I see every day.
A party without a chaperone is what it was.
Life without a chaperone is lousy because.
You have to learn things the hard way.
You can misinterpret what people say.
Life goes on, but the road gets rougher.
You grow up.——- You get tougher.
It seems it would be easier with a guide.
Someone who will take your hand with pride.
Guide you through the potholes of life.
Allow you to live with minimum strife.
What must such a person be?
Someone who will watch out for me.
An older brother or a street wise lover?
Maybe your father or your mother?
Whoever it is must be wise in their ways.
Be forgiving when I fail & say ‘it’s o.k.”
It could possibly be the Heavenly Father.
It wouldn’t be your son or daughter.
You should be such a person to them.
Let them learn from where you’ve been.
Life is not easy as we make our way.
Never be afraid of good advice, I say.

==================R. W. Johnson—–(2016)


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