Being The Man

Being The Man

A time comes in every life
when it’s time to put away the strife.
Time to knuckle down and under.
Have your fun without the plunder.
Be a respectful citizen.
Do whatever it takes to win.
But, in a way that is fair to all.
Don’t be a tyrant before the fall.
In the end, it comes back to you.
You will be respected too.
You will be a giant in the community.
This is good. It is not lunacy.
Strive to be a man among men.
You will always be remembered then.
Your legacy will be very great.
Though, your glory may come too late.
You won’t be a black mark in history.
But, someone who all will want to be.
Take pride in all that you do.
I know, it won’t mean much to you.
But, many others will benefit.
Others, who will copy your wit.
They will make their marks too.
And it all will have started with you.

———————R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

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