‘Black Friday’ Fanatics
A cold, cold wind was coming out of the North.
It was freezing anyone who would go forth.
Yet, into that ,soon to be, blizzard we would go.
If we would live or not, we did not know.
The rivers were solidly frozen over.
The mountain passes had snow to your shoulder.
We had snowshoes. We prayed it was enough.
To fall into a crevasse would be real tough.
We all hooked together with a rope.
If one of us would fall there was little hope.
We traveled during the meager light.
We buried ourselves in snow caves at night.
We were popsicles by the time we got there.
So cold that we couldn’t feel the air.
But, we managed to arrive in time.
We were the very first in line.
The ‘Black Friday’ sale started in the morning.
Soon, many more showed up without warning.
But, we were first so we could get the best.
I say to hell with all the rest.
————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)